Monday, July 20, 2015

In Medias Res

Cross training today. Over an hour on the bicycle, and some hills nearly halted me several times. Wow, I am out of bicycling shape. Of course, I am also very tired. When you have three little boys, who like to wake up around five a.m. everyday, sleep turns into a rare commodity, especially recuperative sleep. I mean, I have been biking consistently for last few months.

The real question that I am sure many of you are asking (I flatter myself that people actually read this blog) is, "Where have you been?" There is really no easy answer to that question, but I will answer quickly, taking the time to explain over the next string of blog posts (I am not sure how many that will be). The simple answer is that I have been injured. The complicated explanation is far more in depth. I'll just say this for now, that 25k in Roanoke I referred to in my previous blog post? It destroyed my right foot. More on that later. The good news? After a long, slow recovery, and a lot of patience, I am registered for my first ultra marathon, a 50k on 8 August. As for training? I have had my ups and downs. The big test is a six hour run this coming weekend. Yes, I said six hours. How does one prepare for such a thing? Well, it starts with sleep. Good night!

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